Kitchen Symphony in Five Courses with Service
within the thematic broadcast
‚con las cosas de comer…’
by José Iges and Miguel Álvarez Fernández,
at Radio Ars Sonora in Madrid
Download as mp3: José Iges. Ars sonora (06/12/08) Download:
Museo Vivo. La Creatividad Femenina
publication of the results of my eponymous course at the Universidad
Autónoma Metropolitana in Mexiko-City Download:
Zwischentöne. Musik und Fragen zur Person
(Sounds in between. Music and questions about a person)
studio guest for a 1 ˝ hour life broadcast
at Deutschlandfunk
July 2008, 27th
May 2008
Chamberstorms and House Noise
Kunst˛ - 18th exhibition of the land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Schwerin Download: